
科罗拉多州丹佛,2012年2月22日(MARKETWIRE通过COMTEX)--Golden Star Resources Ltd. (NYSE Amex: GSS) (TSX: GSC) (GHANA: GSR) (“金星”或“公司”)欣然宣布其 和可能的矿产储量(统称为“矿产储量”)和 截至2011年12月31日的矿产资源。

矿产储量和矿产资源估算 由我们的技术人员根据定义估算 以及矿物定义标准中规定的准则 加拿大研究所出版的资源和矿产储量 采矿、冶金和石油,并符合加拿大的要求 国家文书43-101。

矿产储量和矿产资源 矿产储量和 矿产资源估算由公司的 技术人员符合定义和指南集 在矿产资源和矿产定义标准中 加拿大采矿、冶金研究所公布的储量, 和石油,并符合加拿大国家文书 43-101 的要求。


 MINERAL RESERVES       As at December 31, 2011    As at December 31, 2010
                                  Gold                       Gold
Property Mineral        Tonnes   Grade   Ounces    Tonnes   Grade   Ounces
 Reserve Category     (millions) (g/t) (millions)(millions) (g/t) (millions)
Total Proven and
  Non-refractory             8.2   2.21      0.58       8.3   2.20      0.59
  Refractory                32.6   2.63      2.75      38.9   2.56      3.20
Total Bogoso/Prestea
 Proven and Probable        40.8   2.55      3.34      47.2   2.49      3.78
Total Wassa/HBB Proven
 and Probable               18.1   1.38      0.80      18.1   1.43      0.83
Total Proven and
  Non-refractory            26.3   1.64      1.38      26.4   1.67      1.42
  Refractory                32.6   2.63      2.75      38.9   2.56      3.20
Total Proven and
 Probable                   58.8   2.19      4.14      65.3   2.20      4.62


(1) The stated Mineral Reserve for Bogoso/Prestea includes Prestea South,
    Pampe and Mampon.
(2) The stated Mineral Reserve for Wassa/HBB includes the Hwini-Butre and
    Benso properties.
(3) The stated Mineral Reserves have been prepared in accordance with
    Canada's National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral
    Projects and are classified in accordance with the Canadian Institute of
    Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum's "CIM Definition Standards -- For
    Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves". Mineral Reserves are equivalent
    to Proven and Probable Reserves as defined by the SEC Industry Guide 7.
    Mineral Reserve estimates reflect the Company's reasonable expectation
    that all necessary permits and approvals will be obtained and
    maintained. Mining dilution and mining recovery vary by deposit and have
    been applied in estimating the Mineral Reserves.
(4) The 2010 Mineral Reserves were prepared under the supervision of Mr.
    Karl Smith, Vice President Technical Services for the Company. Mr. Smith
    is a "Qualified Person" as defined by Canada's National Instrument 43-
    101. The 2011 Mineral Reserves were prepared under the supervision of
    Dr. Martin Raffield, Senior Vice President Technical Services for the
    Company. Dr. Raffield is a "Qualified Person" as defined by Canada's
    National Instrument 43-101.
(5) The Mineral Reserves at December 31, 2011 were estimated using a gold
    price of $1,250 per ounce, which is approximately equal to the three-
    year average gold price. At December 31, 2010, Mineral Reserves were
    estimated using a gold price of $1,025 per ounce.
(6) The terms "non-refractory" and "refractory" refer to the metallurgical
    characteristics of the ore and are defined in the Glossary of Terms. We
    plan to process the refractory ore in our sulfide bio-oxidation plant at
    Bogoso and to process the non-refractory ore using our more traditional
    gravity, flotation and/or cyanidation techniques.
(7) The slope angles of all pit designs are based on geo-technical criteria
    as established by external consultants. The size and shape of the pit
    designs are guided by consideration of the results from a pit
    optimization program. The parameters for the pit optimization program
    are based on a gold price of $1,250 per ounce, historical and projected
    operating costs at Bogoso/Prestea, Wassa and Hwini-Butre and Benso.
    Metallurgical recoveries are based on historical performance or
    estimated from test work and typically range from 80% to 95% for non-
    refractory ores and from 70% to 85% for refractory ores. A government
    royalty of 5% is allowed as are other applicable royalties.
(8) Numbers may not add due to rounding.


                                            Contained   Tonnes     Ounces
                                  Tonnes     Ounces      (% of      (% of
                                (millions) (millions)  Opening)   Opening)

Mineral Reserves at December 31,
 2010                                 65.3       4.62        100%       100%
  Gold price increase (1 & 6)          4.5       0.09          7%         2%
  Exploration changes (2 & 7)          4.3       0.27          7%         6%
  Mining depletion (3)                (5.3)     (0.38)        -8%        -8%
  Engineering (4)                     (9.9)     (0.46)       -15%       -10%
                                ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Mineral Reserves at December 31,
 2011 (5)                             58.8       4.14         90%        90%


(1) Gold Price Increase represents changes resulting from an increase in
    gold price used in the Mineral Reserve estimates from $1,025 per ounce
    in 2010 to $1,250 per ounce in 2011.
(2) Exploration Changes include changes due to geological modeling, data
    interpretation and resource block modeling methodology as well as
    exploration discovery of new mineralization.
(3) Mining Depletion represents the 2010 Mineral Reserve within the volume
    mined in 2011 with adjustments to account for stockpile addition and
    depletions during 2011 and therefore does not correspond with 2011
    actual gold production.
(4) Engineering includes changes as a result of changes in operating costs,
    mining dilution and recovery assumptions, metallurgical recoveries, pit
    slope angles and other mine design and permitting considerations.
(5) Numbers may not add due to rounding.
(6) Pit design changes that are primarily due to a higher gold price are
    included here.
(7) Pit design changes that are primarily due to exploration discoveries are
    included here.

由于公司向NI 43-101和NI 43-101报告其矿产储量 SEC行业指南7标准,其矿物是可能的 保留数字在两者之间有所不同。发生这种差异的地方 它将源于报告矿物的不同要求 储量。例如, NI 43-101 的最低要求是 矿产储量由预可行性研究支持,而SEC 行业指南 7 需要详细可行性研究的支持 这表明经济开采是合理的。对于 2011年12月31日和2010年的矿产储量,没有 根据NI 43-101披露的矿产储量之间的差异 以及根据 SEC 行业指南 7 披露的内容,因此没有 提供对账。

非储量 - 测量和指示矿产资源

致美国投资者的关于测量和估计的警示说明 指示矿产资源 本节使用术语“测量 矿产资源“和”指示矿产资源”。公司简介 建议美国投资者,虽然这些条款得到认可,并且 加拿大法规要求,美国证券交易 委员会不承认他们。美国投资者应注意不要 假设这些矿床中的任何部分或全部 类别将永远转换为矿产储量。

以下报告的测量和指示矿产资源量是 不包括已探明和可能的矿产储量,如上所示 并按照 加拿大国家文书43-101。

除另有规定外,测量和指示的总数 所有项目区的矿产资源估算为 经济边界等级基于每盎司1,500美元的黄金价格 2011 年 12 月 31 日和 2010 年 12 月 31 日及以后每盎司 1,300 美元 经济参数被认为是现实的。经济临界等级 矿产资源高于矿产储量,是 表明矿产资源估算包括 在更有利的条件下可能变得经济的材料 包括金价上涨。

下表总结了金星的估计非储备 - 截至2011年12月31日的测量和指示矿产资源量 与 2010 年 12 月 31 日的总数相比:

                                                        Measured & Indicated
                                                         Tonnes      Grade
Property                                               (millions)    (g/t)
                                                       ---------- ----------
  Bogoso/Prestea                                             18.4       1.94
  Prestea Underground                                         1.6      12.63
  Wassa                                                      14.0       0.99
  Benso                                                       2.8       2.54
  Chichiwelli Manso                                           1.4       1.69
  Hwini-Butre                                                 1.3       3.02
  Father Brown Underground                                    0.6       5.69
  Buesichem Underground                                       1.2       3.73
                                                       ---------- ----------
Total 2011                                                   41.3       2.20
Total 2010                                                   54.9       1.99


(1) The Mineral Resources for Bogoso/Prestea include Pampe and Mampon.
(2) The Mineral Resources were estimated in accordance with the definitions
    and requirements of Canada's National Instrument 43-101. The Mineral
    Resources are equivalent to Mineralized Material as defined by the SEC
    Industry Guide 7.
(3) The Mineral Resources were estimated using optimized pit shells at a
    gold price of $1,500 per ounce from which the Mineral Reserves have been
    subtracted. Other than gold price, the same optimized pit shell
    parameters and modifying factors used to determine the Mineral Reserves
    were used to determine the Mineral Resources. In 2010, we used a gold
    price of $1,300 per ounce for the optimized shell. The Prestea
    Underground resource was estimated using a $1,500 per ounce gold price
    and operating cost estimates using an economic gold cut-off of 2.3 g/t.
    In 2010, we used a gold price of $1,300 per ounce for the optimized
(4) The Mineral Resources are not included in and are in addition to the
    Mineral Reserves described above.
(5) The Qualified Person reviewing and validating the estimation of the
    Mineral Resources is S. Mitchel Wasel, Golden Star Resources Vice
    President of Exploration.
(6) Numbers may not add due to rounding.
(7) The Father Brown underground resource has been estimated below the
    $1,500 pit shell down to the 750 meters (m) elevation using an economic
    gold grade cut-off of 2.2 g/t, which we believe would be the lower cut-
    off for underground.
(8) The Buesichem Underground resource has been estimated below the $1,500
    pit shell down to 4500m elevation using an economic gold grade cut-off
    of 2.8 g/t Au.
(9) The 2010 totals include indicated resources of 2.7 million tonnes at a
    grade of 1.75 g/t at the Goulagou property in Burkina Faso. The 2011
    totals exclude Goulagou's resources because the Goulagou property was
    sold in February 2012.

非储量 - 推断矿产资源

致美国投资者的关于推断估计的警示说明 矿产资源 本节使用术语“推断矿物 资源。我们建议美国投资者,虽然该术语得到认可 并符合美国证券交易委员会 NI 43-101 的要求 不认识它。“推断矿产资源”有很大的 关于它们存在的不确定性,以及巨大的不确定性 的经济和法律可行性。不能假设 全部或任何部分推断矿产资源将永远升级 到更高的类别。根据加拿大规则,估计 推断矿产资源不能构成可行性或 其他经济研究。美国投资者应注意不要假设 推断矿产资源的任何部分或全部存在,或 经济上或法律上可开采。

2011年推断矿产资源估算符合规定 定义由NI 43-101定义。

                                                         Tonnes   Gold Grade
Property                                                   (M)       (g/t)
                                                       ---------- ----------
  Bogoso/Prestea                                              5.1       2.46
  Prestea Underground                                         5.2       7.28
  Wassa                                                       0.1       2.03
  Benso                                                       0.2       2.61
  Hwini-Butre                                                 1.3       1.66
  Chichiwelli Manso                                           0.0       1.98
  Father Brown Underground                                    0.5       5.23
  Buesichem Underground                                       0.8       4.08
                                                       ---------- ----------
Total 2011                                                   13.3       4.49
Total 2010                                                   16.5       3.66

非储量 - 推断矿产资源量说明:

(1) The Mineral Resources for Bogoso/Prestea include Pampe and Mampon.
(2) The Mineral Resources were estimated in accordance with the definitions
    and requirements of Canada's National Instrument 43-101. The Mineral
    Resources are equivalent to Mineralized Material as defined by the SEC
    Industry Guide 7.
(3) The Mineral Resources were estimated using optimized pit shells at a
    gold price of $1,500 per ounce from which the Mineral Reserves have been
    subtracted. Other than gold price, the same optimized pit shell
    parameters and modifying factors used to determine the Mineral Reserves
    were used to determine the Mineral Resources. In 2010, we used a gold
    price of $1,300 per ounce for the optimized shell. The Prestea
    Underground resource was estimated using a $1,500 per ounce gold price
    and operating cost estimates using an economic gold cut-off of 2.3 g/t.
    In 2010, we used a gold price of $1,300 per ounce for the optimized
(4) The Mineral Resources are not included in and are in addition to the
    Mineral Reserves described above.
(5) The Qualified Person reviewing and validating the estimation of the
    Mineral Resources is S. Mitchel Wasel, Golden Star Resources Vice
    President of Exploration.
(6) Numbers may not add due to rounding.
(7) The Father Brown underground resource has been estimated below the
    $1,500 pit shell down to the 750 meters (m) elevation using an economic
    gold grade cut-off of 2.2 g/t, which we believe would be the lower cut-
    off for underground.
(8) The Buesichem Underground resource has been estimated below the $1,500
    pit shell down to 4500m elevation using an economic gold grade cut-off
    of 2.8 g/t Au.
(9) The 2010 totals include indicated resources of 2.7 million tonnes at a
    grade of 1.75 g/t at the Goulagou property in Burkina Faso. The 2011
    totals exclude Goulagou's resources because the Goulagou property was
    sold in February 2012.


金星持有金星90%股权 (博戈索/普雷斯泰亚)有限公司和金星(瓦萨)有限公司,其中 分别拥有Bogoso/Prestea和Wassa/HBB露天金矿 在加纳。此外,金星拥有81%的权益 目前在加纳不活跃的Prestea地下矿以及黄金 加纳其他地方、西部其他地区的勘探兴趣 非洲和南美洲的巴西。金星大约有 2.59亿股流通股。

关于前瞻性信息的陈述:一些陈述 本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性陈述 1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法案》的含义。 此类声明包括我们对储备和 2012年资源变化、2012年勘探活动以及 进行此类勘探的钻机数量,以及我们的计划 加工难熔矿石和非难熔矿石。投资者是 提醒前瞻性陈述本质上是不确定的 并涉及可能导致实际事实的风险和不确定性 有实质性的不同。无法保证未来的发展 影响公司的将是管理层的预期。请 请参阅我们的 10-K 表格中对这些因素和其他因素的讨论 2011年。本新闻稿中包含的预测构成 截至本新闻稿发布之日的管理层目前的估计, 关于所涉事项。我们期望这些 估计数将随着收到新信息而改变。虽然我们可能 选择随时更新这些估计,我们不承担任何 在任何特定时间或响应任何特定时间的估计 事件。

For further information, please contact:

Bruce Higson-Smith
Senior Vice President Finance and Corporate Development

Jay Pfeiffer
Pfeiffer High Investor Relations, Inc.
